GSI toelichting op de score

Understanding the score

The Hays Global Skills Index is an annual assessment of the issues and trends impacting skilled labour markets, examining the dynamics at play across 34 markets and determining how easy or difficult it is for organisations to find the skilled professionals they need.

Understanding the score

Each country receives a score between 0 and 10. The score indicates how big or small the pressure on the labor market is. A score above 5 indicates that the labor market is experiencing more pressure than historically, and a score below 5 indicates that the labor market is less under pressure than before.

7 indicators

In addition to the deep analysis of some of the world’s largest labour markets, the report highlights seven factors impacting economies globally

  • Education Flexibility
  • Labour Market Participation
  • Labour Market Flexibility 
  • Talent mismatch
  • Overall Wage Pressure
  • Wage Pressure in High-Skill Industries
  • Wage Pressure in High-Skill Occupations

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