
Hays Executive

One aspect that all businesses share is that they are dependent on the talent they employ. Talented individuals make the difference between a good organisation and a great one. However, such leaders are all too rare; they know their worth and so do those employing them.

Hays Executive's mission is to solve that equation, finding the right people to power an organisation and finding the right roles for the very best talent..

Hays Executive recruits for private and public sector employers from around the world, identifying talented senior managers and board directors.

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Direct Search

With this approach, the leading solution to a difficult recruitment question comes from actively approaching newly identified candidates in the market, as well as from our consultants' existing network.

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Market Mapping

We comprehensively map a specific target client list in order to provide information for benchmarking purposes or to evaluate possible recruitment needs.

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Salary advice

Our salary advice is based on an analysis of permanent, interim and temporary placements of our candidates across the different locations and disciplines in which we operate.

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When you need the right talent, we have the expertise to help

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