6 stappen om uw carrièredoelen voor te bereiden

Performance appraisal

It’s been six months since you started your new role and you are invited for your first performance appraisal. How can you approach this critical meeting to ensure that you get the outcome you want, and keep your career moving in the right direction?

Know what to expect during the performance appraisal

Every company is different, so however your employer runs their performance appraisals, make sure you are fully in the know ahead of your first one so that you aren’t caught off guard.

Remember to find out:

  • How will your performance so far be assessed? For instance, some companies may conduct objective based feedback, whilst others have 360 degree appraisals
  • What should you prepare before the meeting? Are there any guidelines or documents on the intranet which you will need to read before? Perhaps you were set formal objectives when you joined, which you need to provide an update on
  • Who will be present during the meeting? It may well just be your manager, but some companies may ask someone from HR to sit in as well

Once you have a better understanding of what to expect, it’s time to start thinking about what you would like to get from this meeting, and how best you can prepare.

Reflect on the last six months

Remember, your first performance appraisal will be a two-way conversation about your progress and performance over the last six months, and how you are finding the role. As such expect to be asked the below, and plan your answers accordingly:

  • The reality of the role, versus what you expected it to be following your interview
  • The tasks you have enjoyed, and would like to be doing more of
  • The tasks you have struggled with, and what kind of support you need moving forward
  • Any changes or increments in responsibility since you joined
  • Your progress with targets and objectives
  • Any other key achievements

This meeting isn’t just about your manager assessing your performance – although this part is important. It is also about you having the chance to feedback to your manager on how you are feeling in your new role, and what you need further support with. Not only this, your manager will want to know what you are hoping to achieve before your next performance review, and how they can help you get there.

Feel comfortable in articulating your career ambitions

Your first performance appraisal isn’t just about looking back, but also looking forward. What would you like to have achieved before your next review? Maybe start by thinking bigger and visualise the next one, three, and even five years of your career. Now work back from here, and assess what you can do to move closer towards this goal over the next six months. How will you need to upskill and grow your expertise, and who in the business can help you with this?

Don’t be afraid to share your wider goals with your manager during your performance review, and ask for their advice on how you can reach them. It is important to have a clear discussion with your manager around your career ambitions, and to start this conversation early.

During the performance appraisal

If you have prepared using the steps above, then the meeting itself should be a straightforward process. Your manager will most likely take the lead, and ask for your feedback first. Be positive and professional, and if you have any concerns or problems to raise with your manager, be sure to suggest solutions to these as well.

When your manager is feeding back to you, listen attentively to their comments and take notes on where you can improve, as well as what you are doing well, and don’t be afraid to ask for specific examples for both.

Once you move onto discussing your goals going forward, it’s important that you ask your manager for their help and guidance with achieving the outcome you want from the meeting.

Next steps

After your first performance appraisal, send a summary email of the points discussed to your line manager and check that both of you are on the same page. This might be something that your employer will formalise anyway, but it is a good idea to get into the habit of doing this yourself.

Don’t feel you have to wait another six months to speak with your manager again. Your first performance review is a good opportunity for you to set up an open and ongoing dialogue with your manager early on about your career progression at this company.  At the end of the meeting, confirm when the next review will take place, and how you can touch base in between then to review how you’re getting on.

Your first performance review isn’t something to be dreaded, more approached with an open mind, and a clear idea of the points you would like to get across to your manager following your first six months at the company. If you do this, and prepare for the meeting as thoroughly as possible, you give yourself the opportunity to steer your career at this company in the right direction from the very beginning.

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