6 ways you can self-promote in the workplace

6 ways you can self-promote in the workplace

If you want to get ahead in the workplace, it is important to show your successes and express your ambitions. This isn't always easy: none of us like a loud mouth. How can you raise your profile in a subtle way?

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Read time: 2 minutes | Author: Karen Young - Director Hays UK
For many people this is an uncomfortable thing to have to do, but making sure other people know what your career goals are will help make sure you’re considered seriously for future opportunities, and will give you greater control of your future career path.

Self-promote in the workplace

Here are six ways to help raise your profile in the workplace and aid your career progression:

1. Meet your targets

Performing well and meeting and exceeding your targets will show your employer a measure of your future potential. This is without doubt the most fundamental way to elevate your profile in the workplace. The best way to convince your manager that you’re ready to take a step up to the next level is to start performing at that level in your job now.

2. Let the world know

Don’t be afraid to make others aware of your successes. If you are working hard and performing well don’t be too embarrassed to share your success with your manager and colleagues.

This doesn’t mean printing off your sales figures and sticking them up on the wall; there are more subtle ways to go about it. Try looping your manager in an email from a satisfied client or sharing insights you’ve learned from a successful project with your colleagues. Be sure to reciprocate and shout about the success of peers and colleagues too, as it helps show you thrive in a high performance collaborative culture and aspire to develop best practice.

3. Invest in your own development

Nothing impresses more and shows you are keen to progress like investing in the continued development of your own skills. Your manager might only have a limited, or non-existent, budget for your learning and development, but that’s OK as there are plenty of free ways you can further yourself.

Getting yourself along to industry events or searching out free online courses are great ways to start. You could also request to shadow a colleague in another department, for example.

4. Find yourself a mentor

To get noticed you need to be pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Find yourself a mentor; someone whose career path you admire and who can give you regular guidance on what skills you need to progress.

The benefits of a mentor are two-fold. Not only can they offer you guidance and support, they can also be a positive advocate for you to other people in the organisation, or potential employers in their network in the future. It’s also worth stating that mentors aren’t only for interns starting out in their careers; we can all benefit from them, no matter what stage of our careers we’re at. Many C-suite executives rely on a mentor to help as a sounding board.

5. It’s about your attitude as much as your aptitude

Nothing will affect your reputation like a good attitude on top of your learned aptitude. Get yourself into a positive frame of mind. When you see a problem or challenge, take a solution to your manager, not just the problem. Be enthusiastic to learn and take on new responsibilities, whether this is through shadowing a colleague, becoming a designated IT expert or volunteering to learn new skills and take on projects that go above and beyond your job description.

When your manager gives you feedback, take it on board and act on it in a constructive and tangible way. This will demonstrate that you are serious about your development and respect their views.

6. Stand out and speak up at meetings

This means preparing well for meetings by getting sight of the agenda and delegates in advance. Start to formulate your views, ideas and relevant action points beforehand so that you are fully armed to stand out in that all important meeting. Volunteering to present for appropriate events can also curry you great favour with those who matter.

A final thought

Above all, it’s about taking ownership of your career, being proactive and taking the initiative without being afraid or embarrassed to communicate your successes and raise your profile in the workplace. If you don’t take control and take steps to self-promote and push ahead in your career, then who will?

Do you want more tips on personal development? Learn how to increase your career opportunities or how you can determine the direction in your career with the help of goals.

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