
Although most of us are currently working from home, thanks to our flexible plans, we remain fully operational. We have adapted our way of working so we can continue to help you during this uncertain time. Together we must overcome this situation.

We are happy to answer questions by telephone or email. In addition, you can always fill in the contact form on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

we zijn er voor u werknemers


Your career, our passion

Are you currently looking for a new challenge? Are you unsure what to do next? We know the right job can change a person's life. That is why, at Hays, we will always be here for you - whatever the situation.

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Career Checkpoint

Why not taking time to reflect on your career? Hays offers a free training to get you started with your own personal plan.

Learn more

Virtual interview success

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your video and phone interviews.

we zijn er voor u werkgevers


Your success, our ambition

The sector we are in has always challenged us to be flexible and reactive. This time is no different. Our consultants have been equipped to work from home and are already helping companies like yours navigate the current situation and find the right person for their business.

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Managen van afstand -

Managing from afar

Managing from a distance is a challenge for anyone getting started with a remote team.

video interviews -

Planning interviews 

Secure the candidates you need – even while working remotely

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Assissing your needs

Do you need help? We can advise you. Request a call back and we will assess the situation and help you find solutions.

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Get in touch for a free consultation

     By submitting this form you indicate that you are aware of our privacy policy that explains what we do with your personal data.

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Search jobs

We believe the right job can change your life.

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Career coach -

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Recruiting now?

We believe the right person can transform your business.

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